
What are the ways to distinguish the quality of TPE materials?

2021-08-18 09:29:01 上海益彈新材料有限公司 Viewd 1131

Look at the color: when the TPE material burns, the tail will show a kind of light blue. This color is relatively light, not very dark, and the color flame is not too large, which is not available in many materials.

Sticky: As the oil absorption capacity of SBS base material is not as good as SEBS, usually TPR of SBS base material is more sticky than TPE of SEBS base material. Of course, some low-molecular-weight SEBS or its sub-brands are also prone to stickiness.

Grade: People can not only identify the quality of TPE materials by observing the color and smell when burning, but also use other methods. TPE materials refer to TPE materials without added flame retardants. At this time, it will burn in case of fire, and it is not easy to extinguish it. Therefore, people can also use this simple method for identification.

Combustion: Generally, the TPR combustion of SBS base material has more dense smoke than the TPE of SEBS base material, because SEBS is SBS hydrotreated, with high hydrogen content, no dense smoke, and low taste.

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